Call The Office

Call Us: 910-745-6449


101 South Main Street Lillington

Anesthesia Standard Consent Form

Has food/water been withheld since midnight last night?

We highly recommend your pet get a e-collar to prevent the pet from irritating the incision site.

Do you want your pet microchipped today?

Other than heartworm and/or flea prevention, is your pet currently on any medications?

Bloodwork for patients 7 years or older

Bloodwork for patients under 7 years

I decline the recommended pre-anesthetic blood work and request that you proceed with the anesthesia. I understand that there are always risks when using anesthesia or preforming surgery on an animal.

IV Fluids (to support blood pressure and circulation) Our greatest concern is the wellbeing your pet. An intravenous catheter will be placed for the safety of your pet. Intravenous fluids can be administered during anesthesia to help maintain blood pressure and allow administration of drugs should an emergency situation develop.

With dental procedures there is always a possibility the pet will need extractions. The doctor will examine all teeth while the patient is under anesthesia and determine which, if any, teeth will require extractions. Simple or complex extractions may be necessary at an additional cost.


101 South Main Street Lillington, NC 27546

Phone: 910-745-6449

Fax: 910-745-6551

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Website by: Tyndall Web Design